Tag Archives: faith

My delicious.com bookmarks for May 18th through May 26th

My delicious.com bookmarks for May 8th through May 18th

My delicious.com bookmarks for March 15th through March 20th

Atheist Pride Day

Apparently today is “Atheist Pride Day.” You are supposed to “change your Facebook profile picture to the [Out Campaign Logo] And change your status to something like ‘I am an atheist’ (or whatever).” I’m not on FaceBook so you’ll have to make do with this little post.

Atheist Out Campaign
Atheist Out Campaign

It turns out that the timing is quite good, too. Last night I went to a British Humanist Association talk by Daniel Dennett called “A Darwinian Perspective on Religions: Past, Present and Future.” It was chaired by Richard Dawkins. Here’s a fuzzy iPhone picture of the Q&A session at the end. (If only I’d brought my 50D!)

Dennett and Dawkins at the BHA
Dennett and Dawkins at the BHA

It was a fascinating talk about how successful languages and religions evolve over time. He covered a lot of ground in an engaging, entertaining and witty manner. Great stuff. What better way to show my atheist pride?

My delicious.com bookmarks for February 5th through February 7th