Tag: uk

  • Customer Mis-Service

    Sometimes bad customer service is not about what you’re told about a product but what they choose not to tell you.

  • The Big Day

    [photopress:thumb_DSCN0018.jpg,thumb,alignleft]The truth is that I don’t normally blog about very personal things. However, occasionally something happens that’s so big or different that you have to break convention, and this is one of them. Last Friday I got married! For various reasons we did this in New York, dragging most of our relatives three thousand miles…

  • Hardly

    I saw this sign on a door not far from my flat. Maybe I’m easily amused but it made me laugh. [photopress:DSCN0059.jpg,full] Does it mean we should merely tap on the door? Or should we rap hard on the door?

  • The Mighty Blur

    [photopress:boosh3.jpg,thumb,alignleft]Okay, really I’m talking about The Mighty Boosh, but my camera phone doesn’t quite have the resolution to give you much more than a blur… A few months ago I tried to organise a trip to see The Boosh but despite every indication to the contrary, they had completely sold out. We settled for watching…

  • New meaning to “Beer on tap”

    This has been doing the rounds, but I still think it’s amusing. Norwegians plumb in beer-dispensing kitchen sink | The Register Having said that, if a strange brown liquid came out of my taps I’m not sure that my first instinct would be to drink it. Mind, Norwegian beer prices — about ?5 a pint…

  • Tributes to Linda Smith

    I was sad to see the passing of Linda Smith. I never saw any of her stand up work but I heard her frequently on Just a Minute and The News Quiz, where she was always sharp and funny. Jeremy Hardy called her “the wittiest and brightest person working on TV or radio panel games”…