Tag Archives: humour

My delicious.com bookmarks for August 11th through August 19th

  • Pope merchandise – "The pope is visiting the UK soon, and the merchandise is already on sale, but it's rubbish. This week's challenge is to show the Vatican what they should be selling to mark the occasion. God will be delighted." (via @bengoldacre)
  • The Creativity Crisis – "The age-old belief that the arts have a special claim to creativity is unfounded." It's always bugged me when people refer to 'the creatives' when talking about designers or artists. This is why! But back to the article… it's interesting that you can "teach" or at least encourage creativity.

My delicious.com bookmarks for August 5th through August 11th

  • The origins of abc – "We will begin where civilisation began, meander through the Middle Ages, race through the Renaissance, and in doing so discover where our alphabet originated, how and why it evolved, and why, for example, an A looks, well, like an A."
  • Icelander’s Campaign Is a Joke, Until He’s Elected – This is brilliant. "A polar bear display for the zoo. Free towels at public swimming pools. A “drug-free Parliament by 2020.” Iceland’s Best Party, founded in December by a comedian, Jon Gnarr, to satirize his country’s political system, ran a campaign that was one big joke. Or was it?"

My delicious.com bookmarks for June 17th through June 22nd

My delicious.com bookmarks for June 2nd through June 6th

  • iPad App Pricing – Nice analysis of iPad and iPhone application pricing.
  • The Value of Ideas – "Ideas are worthless. Execution is everything." Or actions speak louder than words.
  • The IBM Muppet Show – "IBM. The Muppets. Two venerable institutions-but not ones we tend to associate with each other. Yet in the late 1960s, before most people had ever seen a computer in person or could identify a Muppet on sight, the two teamed up when IBM contracted with Jim Henson for a series of short films designed to help its sales staff."

My delicious.com bookmarks for May 16th through May 25th

My delicious.com bookmarks for March 31st through April 2nd