

When I think of “Stillness,” this weeks PhotoFriday challenge, I tend to think of a lake; an apparently unmoving body of water. (A lot of the other entries, to my eyes at least, don’t represent “Stillness.” Of course, mine may well miss the mark for them…)

Whatever its merits, this one was taken near Spooner Lake, which is very near Lake Tahoe.

I didn’t have an entry in the last challenge, so there’s no need to vote for me(!).

Incidentally, there was another PhotoFriday challenge with the theme “Stillness.” You can see my previous entry here. Tragically, I nearly used the same image again!


Furry: not in a cinema near you
Furry: not in a cinema near you

For some reason, when I saw the poster for the new movie “Fury,” I misread it as “Furry” and saw a beard on Brad Pitt that wasn’t really there. I’ve tried to correct these errors.