Tag: unix
Unix: A History and a Memoir
This is probably the geekiest book I’ve read in a long time. It’s basically one step up from reading the source code for your favourite operating system. Or perhaps having a favourite operating system. What I would say is that Unix has been pretty much the only constant throughout my career. I started with Solaris…
My delicious.com bookmarks for August 20th through August 23rd
Open Finder folder in Terminal – Ooh, neat. Almost worth upgrading to Lion for this alone. (Warning: not in the least bit true for most people.) Losing the HP Way – "In today’s world of MBA-managed companies, R&D is perceived as not being a good use of money." And HP used to be a great…
My delicious.com bookmarks for February 12th through February 14th
These are my links for February 12th through February 14th: Scientists Agree: It's in His Kiss – "Over 90 percent of human society engages in what, if you get right down to it, seems like a very strange thing to do: putting faces together and trading spit." Seems like a very appropriate thing to discuss…
The Bourne Confusion
If it wasn’t already clear, this confirms without any doubt my geeky tendencies.
Is MySpace really the future of email?
Why FaceBook and MySpace won’t be the future of online communication.