Tag: Linux
Installing Oracle 10g Express Edition on CentOS 4
I recently tried to install Oracle 10g Express Edition on CentOS 4. Things have dramatically improved since the early days of Oracle on Linux, but here are the details.
Oracle for Linux Installation HOWTO Home
Installing Oracle on Linux isn’t quite as straight-forward as it might be. Here is some guidance on making it easier.
Oracle for Linux Installation HOWTO
I found installing Oracle 8i for Linux to be none too easy, but I struggled through. This document shows how I did it.
Oracle 8i for Linux Installation HOWTO
With this HOWTO, and a little luck, you will be able to get “Oracle 8i Enterprise Edition for Linux” installed, create a database and connect to it from a remote machine. The main focus of this guide is RedHat Linux 6.0 and Oracle 8.1.5, although it should work well for other recent distributions and more…
Installing Oracle 9i
Installing Oracle 9i on Linux may be easier than previous releases, but you’ll need much more hardware.