Tag: law
My delicious.com bookmarks for July 13th through July 22nd
The Rise and Fall of the Independent Developer – "My fear is that It’s only a matter of time before developers find the risks and expenses prohibitive and retreat to the safety of a larger organization. We’ll be going back to square one." The Equality and Human Rights Commission’s choice is beyond belief – "But…
My delicious.com bookmarks for June 2nd through June 7th
iCloud’s real purpose is to kill Windows – "What this requires from Apple is a bold move that Microsoft would never make: Jobs is going to sacrifice the Macintosh in order to kill Windows. He isn’t beating Windows, he’s making Windows inconsequential." Microsoft joins pre-emptive patent protection program – Software patents are not really popular,…
Dear Companies House
Sometimes when doing legal stuff, all you can do to stop yourself screaming is to rant.
My delicious.com bookmarks for November 18th through November 19th
The religious excuse for barbarity – "No, we don’t respect your desire to needlessly torment animals because some hallucinating desert nomads did it centuries ago. We don’t respect it at all. You can cry that we are “persecuting” you if we stop you committing acts of cruelty if you want." Penn & Teller – Penn…
My delicious.com bookmarks for March 4th through March 7th
On Apple suing HTC – Like many people, I just don't see Apple's actions here being very constructive. Seems like a waste of money and good will. Curiosity – "Curiosity is one of the most underrated phenomena in the world. It's ironic that people aren't more curious about curiosity. It's a powerful thing."