Tag Archives: iphone



The cartoon ((Sorry it’s too big. I couldn’t find a way to shrink it without stealing a copy.)) for today’s Dilbert Day to Day Desk Calendar seemed appropriate for some things that are happening in the mobile software industry at the moment.

If you’ve not been following events — shame on you — then you can read all about it here. In summary, a number of small developers have been sued by a “patent troll,” that is a company that does not develop or make anything but demands royalties for the use of “intellectual property” it bought.

These events and the cartoon show quite succinctly everything that is wrong with the current patent system.

Why you need a crash reporter

Most developers of iOS applications have a love-hate relationship with the main interface with Apple.

No, let me re-phrase that.

Most developers of iOS applications hate iTunes Connect, the main impediment to a good relationship with Apple.

To be fair it has improved since it opened in mid-2008. One of those improvements has been the inclusion of crash reports. A crash report, in case you’re not a developer, is something that iOS devices such as iPhones and iPads write out when an application crashes. It includes all kinds of useful information, including some, but not all, of the internal state of the application in question. It’s very, very useful for diagnosing problems.

However, what has become clear is that not all of the crash reports make it into iTunes Connect. There are two, maybe three, levels of screening going on. First, the user has to sync their phone with iTunes. I do this mainly to update my podcasts but otherwise I’d do it fairly infrequently. Second, the user also needs to allow the crash reports to be uploaded. I suspect most users do but, you never can tell. Third, Apple clearly does… something with the reports when it gets them. There’s clearly some degree of filtering going on but quite what is anyones guess.

The practical upshot of all this is that you’re quite likely to hear about crashes before you see them. I’ve seen reviews in iTunes complain about crashes. I’ve received tweets and support emails. And all before a single report appears in iTunes Connect.

It’s the reviews in iTunes that bug me the most, as I have no way to ask for further information.

Until now.

The most recent version of Yummy, Yummy Browser and www.cut all included crash reporting code. That is, should the app crash, the next time it’s launched it will say as much as offer to upload the report to a web server.

As I type this I see around a hundred crash reports on my web-server and zero in iTunes Connect. Luckily, I’ve seen no bad reviews in iTunes and, surprisingly, I’ve had no support emails or queries on Twitter.

Without the crash reporter I would have had no idea there were these serious bugs — I’d never seen them! I’m always surprised about crashing bugs as I consider myself to be the main user and so likely to come across these problems first.

Using the reports I can easily see that 90% of the crashes were coming from two bugs. Interesting but slightly less importantly, I can also see that jailbroken phones seem to have more problems than others. I see that the vast majority of my users are on 4.x, with 4.2.1, by far, being the most common. (None of the bugs are OS specific so these numbers should be pretty representative.)

The other thing about having the details on a web-server is that I was able to flag them. When a crash with a known fix is submitted, the apps will now tell the user that this is the case.

I never thought I’d say that the lack of support email is a bad thing, yet there was one bug that took me a long time to track down. I could see where exactly in the code it was crashing but I could see no way that it could actually happen. In the end I stumbled across it quite by chance, but being able to talk to a user who was experiencing the problem would, in this case, have been very useful.

No software is perfect. But at least now I can see problems almost as soon as they happen and provide direct and timely feedback. This is such a huge plus that it shouldn’t be underestimated.

My delicious.com bookmarks for February 15th through February 18th

  • Apple’s Three Laws of Developers – The hidden link from sci-fi books to the App Store. Only funny because it's true…
  • Biting the source that feeds you – "Keller, a journalist of unimpeachable accomplishment and stature, just had to trash a guy whose organization has struck the most powerful blow against official secrecy in a generation, somebody who may yet be jailed for what he did, an eccentric but unquestionably transformational media player."


www.cut Icon
One of the nice things about Apple’s App Store for iOS devices is that it’s available in every country that has the iPhone. One of the unfortunate things is that the people in most of those countries don’t speak English as a first language and I, as a typical Englishman, know no other languages.

Then I heard about GetLocalization (whose name needs localising!), a site which allows you to “crowd-source” translations. I honestly don’t know if it will work but I thought it was a good idea and something worth trying and supporting.

To that end I have uploaded the text used in www.cut and added the languages that I think there would be the most benefit in having. I would be happy if people added others, especially if the suggestion came with some translations!

My guess is that I will need to change some of the text in the application itself. For example, one block looks like this: “%1$i character%2$@ remaining.” When viewed on the iPhone looks like either “100 characters remaining” or “1 character remaining” but I’m sure that form of pluralisation doesn’t work in most languages. Changing it is not a problem but I will need suggestions as to what the “generic” version should be. Or do I need two versions, one for singular and one for plural?

So far I have only added www.cut and I’m classifying it as an experiment, though if it works well I will likely use the same method for Yummy.

Thanks for your help.