Tag Archives: development

Giving Back

A few years ago I was very much “into” the whole open source movement. I read LWN (still do, actually). I bought a copy of The Cathedral and the Bazaar.

But one thing I never really did was contribute to open source projects. I never really had much need. They largely did what I wanted and when they didn’t, well, the modifications were too big to consider attempting in my spare time.

And now I have a couple of applications in Apple’s App Store. I get the impression that a lot of apps you see there these days are mainly collections of open source code bundled together with some glue code and some new graphics. I know it sounds bad when you phrase it like that, but I don’t mean it that way. When you’re coding to a deadline and to cost this is a perfectly valid way of doing things.

But neither Yummy nor www.cut are like that. They are almost entirely my own code. Why? Two main reasons.

The first is historical: Yummy was initially developed when the now infamous NDA was in place. Developers couldn’t share code even if they wanted to.

Secondly, I like to minimise external dependencies. The iOS platform changes fast enough as it is without having to wait for other developers to update code as well. Of course, open source means that I could fix it myself but that probably means looking at code I’m not completely familiar with and that takes time. The desire to remove third party code led me to remove AdMob in Yummy Browser and www.cut and replace with Apple’s iAd, even knowing that the fill rate was very low ((Early indications are that, even with the lower fill rate, income is not vastly different, and this is with only two countries active at the moment with iAds.)).

Ultimately, however, there’s too much great code out there to avoid it altogether. The current, shipping version of Yummy has two open source components and I have just released a (tiny) third one.

First is the Facebook Connect SDK. I have not made any modifications to this.

Second is InAppSettingsKit. This some software that duplicates the Settings screen and allows them to be included within the app as well as in the Settings.app. I made some minor fixes so that it works on the iPad (independently fixed and pushed upstream) and I added a “Log in to Facebook” cell. I’m not sure how common a requirement this is likely to be, so I’ve not pushed it back to the maintainers but I have made it available in a separate branch:


Third is something that should really be included in iOS itself. Apple’s guidelines say that when your app is sent into the background it should close any menus that are open. In “iPhone Speak” these are called UIAlertView (dialog in the middle of the screen) and UIActionSheet (menu from the bottom of the screen).

In addition, the iPad had a further requirement: there should be only one menu open at any given time.

I created UIViewAutoDismiss to help:


This code is inspired by a question and answer on Stackoverflow.

My delicious.com bookmarks for September 8th through September 10th

Delicious Debrief (Part 5/5)

The story so far

Last year Yahoo! announced, with no notice, a significant change that had far reaching consequences for all third party applications including my iPhone program, Yummy. This is the third in a series of posts that discusses how I dealt with it.

We’ve already talked about most of the work, starting with an overview, the announcement, the low level technical challenges and the implementation (technical and UI). All that remains it to launch it, and that’s what we’re going to talk about today.


I switched my own Delicious account over to use my Yahoo! ID to shake out as many bugs as possible and I’d already had a few emails from people asking if they could help, so by the time I submitted the update to Apple it was in pretty good shape.

It launched on 13 December 2009, simultaneously for the full version and Yummy Browser. I decided against holding back for the free version.

Despite the volume of code that had changed, I decided to call is a “point” update (moving from version 2.3.1 to 2.3.2) because it didn’t really add any new user-level features. In hindsight maybe I should have made more of a fuss over it, since it was the first — and is still the only — Delicious iPhone app that supported Yahoo! IDs. But it felt wrong to kick my competitors over something that was just as outside their control as mine ((Six months later and with no updates from any of them I’m feeling less charitable!)).


So what have we learned through all this process?

I’ve learned how vulnerable Yummy is to outside influence. I had been planning a new feature release before the end of last year but this slipped until the first quarter of 2010 because of all the work that I have outlined above. I’m glad that I’ve kept “agile” (an overused word in the software industry), sticking to relatively small and frequent releases as this made it much easier to change from one feauture set (mostly what you see in the current Yummy 2.4 release) to another (OAuth).

But I think most of the lessons need to be taken on the other side, by Yahoo! From my point of view there were multiple failures:

  1. No notice. It was impossible to have an application ready for day zero as we just didn’t know that a change was coming
  2. No documentation. Even when we found out about the change there was little to no documentation about how to make the change
  3. No concessions to desktop apps. It just is not possible to write a desktop application ((By “desktop” I mean something that doesn’t run in a web browser. iPhone apps in this sense are “desktop” applications.)) with a fluid, easy to use UI. OAuth works nicely for web apps but not so well for desktop (and mobile) ones. Twitter is pushing forward with xAuth which solves this problem. It’s not yet standardised, which is a problem, but guaranteeing a poor user experience is hardly a winning strategy either
  4. No transition. When Twitter moved from basic auth to OAuth ((Past tense as, while this process is still ongoing, it will be complete shortly.)), both systems worked for over a year. This meant that there was no single, big switch over. True, they incentivised new apps to use the new scheme and the end of basic auth is going to orphan a bunch of apps but, still, there has been a year when developers can transition from one scheme to the other. For Delicious this change happened overnight, but not for all users. Instead we have to support both schemes and with no obvious method of knowing which one to use in advance

Luckily Yahoo! seem to have noticed the pain that their development community have been put through. They have since (albeit very recently) tried to get a handle on who is developing what against their APIs. Quite how they’ll use that information is anyones guess but it’s certainly a step in the right direction.

Delicious Debrief (Part 4/5)

The story so far

Last year Yahoo! announced, with no notice, a significant change that had far reaching consequences for all third party applications including my iPhone program, Yummy. This is the third in a series of posts that discusses how I dealt with it.

On Monday I gave an overview of the problem, Tuesday I looked at how those changes were announced and why they were tricky, and yesterday I looked at how I actually implemented those technical details.

After the low level technical stuff there was still a lot of work making it useful. That’s what I’d like to talk about today.

But that’s not all

What I have been discussing so far has been entirely about the low-level, very technical details of OAuth. Of course there’s another side to it and that’s how it is presented to the user. This, again, has two parts: first, the options made available to the developer and, secondly, the work involved in actually making it happen.

So, the options available. We now have two authentication methods. I’ll call them Delicious and OAuth. The first point to make is that they’re not interchangeable. If I have an OAuth account I can’t log in with a Delicious username and password. And vice versa.

This begs the question: how can Yummy tell which type of account a user has?

The short answer is: it can’t.

Worse, many, if not most, Delicious.com users also have a Yahoo! account even when their delicious.com account is not linked to it. This results in a very confused user, as their login works without error yet they find they have no bookmarks.

What I was looking for was a way to identify the type of account that was accurate and would not require the same information to be entered multiple times. I ended up watching a number of people logging into their Yahoo! accounts ((Don’t worry, I wasn’t looking at what password you were typing.)) and, unfortunately, this invalidated most of my theories for making the process easier.

I thought, for example, that I was onto a winner when I noticed that I always typed “@yahoo.com” at the end of my username. Yummy could show the username screen as normal and, if the user typed “@yahoo.com” it would automatically remove the password field and offer to login using OAuth. However there are two problems with this. The minor, but annoying one, is that the user would be forced to enter their username twice, once in Yummy and then again in Safari. More significantly, I found that you don’t have to type “@yahoo.com” at the end of your Yahoo! ID. Although I do it all the time, most people seem to avoid the extra typing.

If people are going to avoid the extra typing, I would still need a way for them to override the default (Delicious) authentication method. And if they know that they have to overide it then, I reasoned, I may as well just come straight out and ask them how they’d like to proceed.

And this is exactly how it currently works.

Honestly, I’m really not very happy with it. How software talks to the server is entirely technical and is really not something that I should need to ask my users about. However this seems to be the least-bad approach. As I’ve noted before, I’m happy to entertain alternatives but I’ve not come across a better one yet.

The other significant user interface issue is one that I have already alluded to: should Yummy use a built-in web viewer or exit entirely and switch to Safari? The OAuth specification is clear on the matter: the users standard web browser should be used as it is both trusted and known ((We’re using an iPhone here so we can assume that the user is not using Internet Explorer.)). However, OAuth is really designed with web applications in mind. Even on a Mac this switch from “my” app to a web browser and back again would be far from ideal. But on an iPhone, that can only display a single application at a time, it is confusing at best.

All else being equal I would be happy to go against the advice of the specification and use an embedded web view if it made for a better user experience. Unfortunately, all else was not equal.

What I found was that, although I could log in correctly using the web view there was no way for Yummy to automatically regain control afterwards. If you’re familiar with OAuth you will be aware that there is supposed to be a method for doing this. I spent a long time trying to get this to work but never did. I’m unclear whether this was a problem in my code or on the Yahoo! side ((I’ve got this working in the development version of Yummy now. I’m still not sure where the problem was.)).

In practice, this would have meant that I’d have to provide instructions before the user was allowed to log in. Something like “press the ‘Done’ button when you have finished logging in and enter the code you were given.” Of course this is not dramatically better than copying the code from Safari and relaunching Yummy.

In the end I decided that I would completely follow the spec rather than not follow its advice and force my users to jump through a few hoops.

Again, this is not something that I am entirely happy with. Could I have implemented this differently? Absolutely! Would the user experience be better had I done so? Not significantly.

In addition to the big things there were also a number of smaller, more cosmetic difficulties.

There a few things that that Delicious.com API is not terribly good at. One of the problems I’ve had from day one is that it’s not really designed for applcations to synchronise bookmarks (which is kind of bizarre when you think about it). It can be done, but it’s pretty tricky, especially when you have limited memory as is the case on the iPhone.

The new Yahoo! ID authentication scheme brought another: how do you know who has just logged in? Previously the user entered their username, so Yummy would know immediately. However in this case, their username is entered into Safari and Yummy never sees it. It so happens that one API call does return the username, but only under certain conditions and not necessarily straight away.

I mention this not because it was impossible to solve — indeed it was not spectacularly hard — but because it was was unexpected. After working through the low-level technical details of OAuth; and after figuring out how to allow the user to exit Yummy and return to the same point (while still allowing the process to be cancelled); after all that, the process was still not complete. What appeared to be just a different username and password became a significant and fundamental change.

Coming tomorrow

With most of the hard work finished I just had to make sure it really worked, and then sit back and analyse what went wrong.