Tag: c25k

  • C25K Diary Part 4

    If you’d told me a year ago that I’d leave the house early on a Saturday to run in a park when it’s barely above freezing, I wouldn’t have believed you. And yet that’s what happened this last weekend. A year ago I’d just started my Couch to 5km adventure and it feels like a…

  • C25K Diary (Part 3)

    Was I able to finish the Couch to 5K programme or did I give up like the couch-potato that I am?

  • C25k Diary (Part 2)

    To recap, I tried to complete the Couch to 5k programme because I wanted to get fitter, but I was (am) pretty unfit when I started and came across a few challenges by week three. We return as I started on week 4. Long story short, I blazed through week four. By being conservative with…

  • C25k Diary

    If you’re really unfit, even the Couch to 5K programme can be tricky. How did I manage?